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Fastener National Standard

Dec 04, 2021 View: 1484

1. The standard of fastener product size: specify the content of the basic size of the product; for the threaded product, it also includes the basic size of the thread, the end of the thread, the shoulder distance, the undercut and chamfer, and the end of the external threaded part Dimensions and other aspects.

2. Standards on technical conditions of fastener products. Mainly include product tolerances, mechanical properties, surface defects, surface treatment, product testing standards and corresponding specific provisions.

3. Standards for screw product acceptance inspection, marking and packaging: specify the qualified quality level and sampling plan of the random inspection items during the factory acceptance of the product, as well as the content of the product marking method and packaging requirements.

4. Standards for marking methods of standard parts, fasteners, screws and screws: specify the complete marking method and simplified marking method of the product. 5. Other standards of fasteners: such as the standard of fastener terminology, the standard of fastener product weight, etc.

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